How SCHA Supports HandballTournaments are provided and promoted. Tournament Calendar is maintained. Tournament Entry Forms are mailed to members. League activities are coordinated. Special Events are offered annually. Handball Hall of Fame annual award banquet. Youth Handball is supported. Handball News is e-mailed to members. Handball Website provides news and information. USHA Membership is discounted. SCHA Membership is $20 for one year from date paid, $50 for three years, free for juniors under 19. Please write check to SCHA and mail to: SCHA, PO BOX 962
Sunset Beach 90742. Application
SCHA Board of Directors
President.................Jim VandenBos
Director..........Mark Zamora
Director.......Rob Nichols
Director........Roy Harvey
Director....James Coronado
Director...Pat Saito
Director...Ralph Fregoso
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